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标题: 求救,IIS6 上面发布后,出现错误!! [打印本页]
作者: yanzhongnj 时间: 2014-3-7 08:03
标题: 求救,IIS6 上面发布后,出现错误!!
IIS6 上面发布后,在本机测试正常,但是在另外机器测试在IE11.0 下出现了选择单位下拉列表框,改变选项时,出现错误.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">< htmldir=ltr>< head>< style> a:link {font:9pt/11pt; color:FF0000} a:visited {font:9pt/11pt ; color:#4e4e4e}</style>< META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX"><title>�[1]�
</title>< META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type"Content="text-html; charset=gb2312">< /head>< script>function Homepage(){< !-- // in real bits, urls get returned to our scriptlike this: // res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm# testing use DocURL ="res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#"DocURL=document.URL; //this is where the http or https will be, as found bysearching for :// but skipping the res://protocolIndex=DocURL.indexOf("://",4); //this finds the ending slashfor the domain server serverIndex=DocURL.indexOf("/",protocolIndex +3); //for the href, we need a valid URL to the domain. We search for the #symbol to find the begining //of the true URL, and add 1 to skip it - this isthe BeginURL value. We use serverIndex as the end marker.//urlresult=DocURL.substring(protocolIndex - 4,serverIndex);BeginURL=DocURL.indexOf("#",1) + 1;urlresult=DocURL.substring(BeginURL,serverIndex); //for display, we need toskip after http://, and go to the next slash displayresult=DocURL.substring(protocolIndex+ 3 ,serverIndex); InsertElementAnchor(urlresult, displayresult); } functionHtmlEncode(text) { return text.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/'/g,'"').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>'); }function TagAttrib(name, value) { return ''+name+'="'+HtmlEncode(value)+'"'; } function PrintTag(tagName,needCloseTag, attrib, inner){ document.write( '<' + tagName + attrib +'>' + HtmlEncode(inner) ); if (needCloseTag) document.write( '</' +tagName +'>' ); } function URI(href) { IEVer = window.navigator.appVersion;IEVer = IEVer.substr( IEVer.indexOf('MSIE') + 5, 3 ); return(IEVer.charAt(1)=='.' && IEVer >= '5.5') ? encodeURI(href) :escape(href).replace(/%3A/g,':').replace(/%3B/g, ';'); } function InsertElementAnchor(href, text) {PrintTag('A', true, TagAttrib('HREF', URI(href)), text); } //--></script>< body bgcolor="FFFFFF">< tablewidth="410" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="5"><tr> <td align="left" valign="middle"width="360"> <h1 style="COLOR:000000; FONT: 12pt/15pt "><!--Problem-->�[1]�
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<br><ahref=""target="_blank">Microsoft �/a>< /li></ul> </font></td> </tr> < /table>< /body></html>< A HREF=""></A>
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